AWA recruitment agency
Transportation of employees to work
Leave the transport of employees to us
If your business is located outside of the available public transport network or you are unable to transport your employees by your own means, we at AWA Partners can help.
How does it work?
If you need to arrange transport for your employees, just contact our sales department.
Industrial zones are usually located on the outskirts of cities or on the backbone of motorway feeder networks, due to the availability of logistics and material services. But this also means the need to transport employees to work.
Unfortunately, the provider of public passenger transport, the municipality or city, often does not have the budget to create a sufficiently dense transport network to cover the needs of all the industrial enterprises in the locality.
Our company is able to arrange individual transport for employees. This allows us to provide flexibility in the delivery of labour and remove the barrier of accessibility for accommodation workers who do not own a car. At the same time, we reduce the price and save the environment.
The size of the means of transport is chosen based on the size of the work team and the shift time requirements of the employer.
Contact our sales department
Are you interested in using some of our services? Contact our sales department and our colleagues will be happy to assist you.
Company leadership and management
AWA Partners a.s.
IČ: 09862579, DIČ: CZ09862579
Plzeňská 3350/18, Smíchov
150 00 Praha 5
Czech republic